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County FM Creates New Honourary Board Position Celebrating 12 Year Legacy of Jim JJ Johnston

County FM Creates New Honourary Board Position Celebrating the Twelve-Year Legacy of Jim JJ Johnston


At its annual general meeting on Wednesday, 99.3 County FM commemorated more than a decade of volunteer leadership by outgoing Chair Jim "JJ" Johnston by creating the position of Director Emeritus.  Johnston, a Canadian radio leader for 50 years, has been a volunteer with County FM since 2013.  JJ's appointment as the station's first Director Emeritus is in recognition of his outstanding contribution to County FM.


Incoming Board Chair Mike Harper stated that "no single person is more responsible for the success of County FM, from its inception in 2013, going on-air in 2014, and becoming in the eleven years since an essential community service.  While JJ is leaving the Chair position and his role as an active Board member, the Director Emeritus position allows the station to not only recognize his many years of commitment, it also allows us to keep him in the loop as the station serves the community in the years to come."


As a Director Emeritus, Johnston will be entitled to receive notice of and attend at all meetings of the Board in a non-voting capacity.


For his part, Johnston stated that "it was an honour to be recognized, and I'm glad to know that I'll still have a chance to contribute my voice and experience to the future development of 99.3 County FM."


The current Board of Directors for County FM includes: 


  • Mike Harper, Chair 


  • Mary Ann Farrell, Vice Chair 


  • Christine Winiarz Searle, Treasurer 


  • Philip Knox, Secretary


  • Lynn Pickering, Director 


  • Geoff Craig, Director 


  • Mark Despault, Director 


  • Astrid Young, Director 


  • Shelagh Hurley, Director 


  • Nancy Griffin, Director 

As a physically large island and diverse community, 99.3 County FM's aim is to be "the place where we all come together".


99.3 County FM is incorporated under the federal Not-for-profit Corporations Act, owned by our community and operated in the interests of the community.


To serve the diverse range of musical tastes in the community, the station plays selections from a wide variety of music types – you never know what you'll hear next.


The station depends on the active involvement of over 100 volunteers in roles which include on-air hosting, interviewing, managing the studio and administration and fund-raising.


Launched in October 2014, County FM serves all parts of the community at 99.3 and streaming around the world. 


For more information, contact:

Craig Mills, General Manager                       

99.3 County FM - the Voice of The County Main: (613) 476-2229 Cel: (613) 501-1753


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