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Local Business Receives Calls In Error During Radio Contest

So, this is a first... 

A local business in town reached out to us today, saying people kept calling him thinking they were calling Giant FM. While this might bother some people, this man (Mike), was a fantastic sport about it and says he's had calls to him from listeners in the past, but never like he's seen recently. 

The reasoning? The last four digits of the business's phone number are 6197, and the last four digits of the Giant studio line are 6917. With Cash FX's jackpot now well over $11,000, hundreds of people are trying at once to be caller #10 at five times a day - including some misdials to this business. 

Chris Lukas, Dave Devine and I made the most of it and got him on the air, in a few newscasts as a lighthearted story, and visited his business (just a few blocks from us here in Welland!) to hook him up with some Giant FM swag for his troubles. 


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